Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome To The Jungle

This is their last day on our office, three months has passed by for them to become my apprentice.

In the end of the working time today I have a short speech for them, and I hope they will become a great person someday.

"Well this is it then, you're all now has finished your short training today and here is your certificate" then I gave each them a certificate for a legal document as a proof that they has finished their training.

"remember, I'm not your teacher. I stand here as a friend, partner, and also your supervisor. Therefore please forgive me if you had found uncomfortable behaviour from me. Because this is who I am really are, I'm glad to know you and I am happy to work with you guys and girls"

"I hope someday you're become a great IT enggineer, and last but not least I want to say to you all... Welcome To The Jungle"

Yeah, I always say that because IT division is the most deadly and dangerous area for people who built their career in it. But is not the reason for you to gave up otherwise you must struggle and always motivate your self in order to survive.

Before they leave the office, one of the student gave me a letter.
"oh iya pak, ini ada surat untuk bapak dan semua rekan-rekan disini. Tapi bacanya nanti aja ya hihihi"
"he? How come I must read it after they gone..."
"pokoknya bacanya nanti aja ya pak :)" hmm ada-ada aja memang anak ABG pake surat-suratan segala.
"iya, saya baca nanti setelah kalian pulang deh" walau penasaran akhirnya aku tunda membuka amplop surat tersebut. Singkat kata merekapun berpamitan untuk pulang, aku bersyukur sdh bisa mensupervisi mereka sampai selesai.


After they gone, I opened that letter. I read it, bla... Bla... Bla... Sampe pada sebuah unek-unek yang isinya.
"terima kasih untuk Mr. Gee yang telah meluangkan waktunya buat kita, dan satu lagi cepet-cepet bertaubah ya pak hehehe" with additional smiley icon in it.

"astaga, iseng banget ya tuh mereka." kesel, keki, pokoknya pengen aku jitak-jitakin keempat ABG itu. Masak yg lain kesan pesannya bagus-bagus cuma aku doang yang disuruh tobat.

"apakah aku kelihatan begitu dimata mereka? Hahaha"
Anyway terima kasih sudah jujur dan begitu peka akan keadaan sekitar kalian. Tapi sebelumnya kalo ketemu lagi so pasti akan aku jitakin dulu.

Good luck all...

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