Saturday, September 22, 2012

The List

Laying down in living room with my daughters. Then she came sit beside me, watch me playing my android.
"itu FB bapak ya?"
"yup" simple answer, hope she will not asking me with some silly question anymore.
"da ning foto2ne sexy pak, emang pada kenal semua gitu?"
"like I said before, they are my friends in FB games ma. I don't know every single one"
"kalo myLittleWings jadi temen bapak?"

Okay here we go again, got in that topic and it will spread to new conflict.... Huft *&#%)+/*
"She's not in my friend list... See..." I gave her my android so she can look at my account to make her very sure that she's not in my friend list.

"tapi... kalo dia request friend jangan di accept ya..." ujarnya dengan tatapan penuh curiga dan nada suara yang penuh keraguan pada komitmenku.

Okay that's it, I had enough ma.
"What's wrong with you? Don't you get enough to see her not in my list?"
"for what reason she request friend with me? See... After she bored playing games with me then she was kicked me out... I'm nothing in her eyes... She can get anybody to become her friend... It's easy for her... Just piece a cake so what's wrong with you?!!!"
"just an hour ago we try to cooling down and now you declare another conflict?!!!
"everytime my phone rang, you asking me whether that is a message from someone, you accused me with no reason"
"She... Dump me mama... She stab me and walk away... So how can she asking me to become friend? Use your logic thinking.... !!! &-%@(/%/ you ruining my day... All this fuck*ng day... do you happy now?!!!'"

Then she walked away in to bedroom like never happen, you see.... She can do it that easy without considering my feeling, my emotion, my wound... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ANIDAAA....

Okay... I blew up tonight, and I hate this weekend... Just hate this moment...

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