Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Gift

Sebuah kecupan manis mendarat dipipiku, mengiringi ucapan terima kasih yang terlontar dari bibir istriku. A suprise gift, that I gave her will change her lifestyle for this time and beyond.

It's an expensive gift actually, but I think it's worthed. I must spare my unalocated budget to buy that gift, I bought a new gadget for her, samsung galaxy tab 2.0.

She was seems very happy, almost every night after the childrens go to sleep she play the gadget, browse everything, including explore this blog hahaha.

I promise to my self, that I'll make her happy with everything I've got. So when the time has come, aku akan meninggalkannya tanpa kenangan buruk atau sakit hati. Hanya akan ada cinta dan kasih sayang yang mengiringi keikhlasan karena perpisahan menjadi sebuah hal yang tidak dapat dihindarkan.


I still haven't found the answer for my question, mengapa aq merasa sendiri berada diantara mereka...

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