Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Communication Method

An hour has passed by, we both stay at bedroom meanwhile the childrens has fallen a sleep in the living room as usual.

She laying on bed, with her BB and Tab 2.0 and I sit on the floor reading my books. Anteng dengan kesibukan masing2, sampe akhirnya aku wassap dia.
"ma, bikinin kopi dong..."
"kling..." tanda message ku sampe di gadget dia.

Nampaknya dia ga bergeming dgn notifikasi dari message yg aq kirim.
"kling..." aq coba send message lagi. Dia tetep ga bergeming, argh payah neeh punya gadget notifikasinya ga dibaca. Perlahan aq dekati dia, aku ikut berbaring seraya memeluknya.

"ma, notifikasinya ga dibaca?"
"oh ada pesan masuk ya? " jawabnya with some innocent face.
"bapak mau kopi ya? Maaf y aq ga tau hehehe"
"please deh anida..." gumamku, tanpa sepatah katapun

Sejak saat ini kedepannya, I think we have a new method to establish a new communication through virtual media called whatsapp and gtalk.

Funny way, while we both stay at same room without conversation between us, but actually we having a good and deeply chat via media.

Welcome to our virtual relationship, less talk chat more. By the way did I just order coffee recently? Then why she make me a cup of chocolate milk? Arrghh... Dia dan pemikiran sequentialnya, mau gimana lagi.

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