Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mr. Understanding

Eight years I can't find the perfect words to describe my sorrow neither the cause. Until tonight after I came back from the office, maybe because I didn't use my anger or my ego to talk with her.


Seperti biasa, setelah dia menyadari emosiku mulai meledak dan pergi meninggalkan dia. Tonight, she try to parley and say sorry to make me dissapointed.

She ask me to forgive and don't leave her, she has nobody but me. She told me that if I made mistakes she will forgive me. She hope I will do the same, forgive and forget then continuing our life like there's never happen between us.

You know what? I've been going through this circles for the last 6 years *since my beruang madu was born. And everytime we having a fight, I will always forgive her although it's a little bit hard for me to forget.

Yes, I'm not saying that I always right. I made a mistakes too, mungkin lebih sering dari yang dia lakukan entahlah.


Aku selalu berada di sisi yang salah karena selalu mensikapi pertengkaran ini dengan emosi. Otakku keruh, mataku gelap, dan emosiku meledak, tidak terhitung kerusakan yang sudah aku buat karenanya dan sebagai kompensasinya aku merasa bersalah, dan aku mengalah, aku yang mencoba mengerti dia...

But not tonight, I'm tired, exhausted, lack of emotions, so tonight I just wanna says

"All this time, I always try to understand you. When you made mistakes I always came back for you to protect and save your ass, when you feel uncomfortable with my past I close it for you, and many more things that I should be understand as a human being that worth to understand.

The question is how about me? Can she understand me with all I've been going through? No she can't... Or I can say NO SHE WON'T

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