Friday, August 31, 2012

Not Syndrome Again...

Waked up, again in the middle of the night. But this time, I must stay awake because I have to help my apprentice to finish her task for final exam tomorrow.
02:30 AM, at least 60% of her task was done and I can't continue much longer. I was very tired, and obviously I need a rest, sorry Tami now you are on your own.
Tonight I try to sleep in bed with my wife, though it's feel strange to have someone was sleeping beside you. Mungkin kelihatan aneh ya notabene aku dan dia adalah suami istri yang memang lazimnya tidur bersama dalam satu ranjang. Tapi tidak begitu denganku, aku lebih senang menemani anak-anakku tidur di ruang depan, walau hanya beralaskan kasur tipis yang sudah sobek-sobek.


Walhasil, nyawaku belum sepenuhnya komplit ketika harus menjalani hari ini. Di kantor kerjaanku cuma bengong, bolak-balik gak jelas (tanda-tanda syndrome galau lagi kalo dibiarkan terus). Arrgh what should I do to fill my concentration, well I try to finish this day successfully ...

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