Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Morning Fight

Excellent... She starting our day with some repeated daily trouble. Our first fight since I wrote on this canvas.

The problem is that she always waked up late, so my daughter came late to school (it has been 3rd times in this week, even yesterday she was not going to school because of that)

When it happen, then it become my trouble. I'm the one who must take her go to school and I'm the one who will got the warning from her teacher.

It's my wife's fault, aargh... She really piss me off man. Terus dia sekarang lagi anteng browsing2.

She bribe me with a glass of milk and toasted bread. Damn I hate when she said apologize with that way, my heart become melting every where.


Ga lama abis baekan sama dia, giliran bola-bola cokelat bikin ulah. Shit, again my emotion was blew up.

Mamaa, please do something with your children will you *&@-*/("?&

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