Monday, October 1, 2012

Way Of Life

Fiuh, what a day... Yogyakarta, never lost it's excitement, exoticm, and the hospitality. But still can never lift up my soul from deep sorrow of this ego.

Today I can see the beauty of myLittleWings, the beauty that I can never forget. I'm sorry but it's there, in front of my eyes I have to face it to prove it to mySyauQ that it's all over.

Sebagai seseorang yang mengagumi keindahan, aku berkata apa adanya. Namun aku juga disini sebagai seorang suami, aku tahu kapan aku harus berhenti. Jadi buat myLittleWings jika memang sikapku menyinggung atau menyakitkan hati aku mohon maaf karena semata menjaga komitmen yang nilainya melebihi keindahanmu.

Maybe I am naturally pervert, maybe I also some kind of jack ass, but one thing that can never change is I'm live based on the  commitment I've been made. Something that you've throw it away.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pondok Arafah

Touchdown, right on 20:45 and here I go again. Get down from the plane, and my face still look shocked a little bit, regarding I had phobia with flight.

Poe, again... Bikin aku keringetan, dengan mengajak jalan nyetop taksi di antah berantah sekedar nyari selisih goceng #tepokjidat

Lalu menyerah dengan keadaan, taksi lah yang menang... Poe pun menang, bisa nyari selisih goceng. Aarrgh goceng Poe... Tidak worthed dibanding letih kaki guwe #tepokjidatPoe

The journey not ended here, while Poe and friends has get near to the office, it's time for me to split up. I take a different direction, it's about another 500m I must take a walk.


Kira-kira sepeminuman teh lewat, akhirnya aku sampe juga ke tempat istirahatku "Pondok Arafah". I'm lucky got a new room, belum pernah ditempati dan yang lebih beruntungnya lagi ini kost-kostan sebetulnya dikhususkan untuk cewek. Tapi dengan sedikit rayuan dan suara memelas akhirnya yang punya kostan mau ngasih tempat buatku (thanks Mrs. Hilda).

Well it's time to laydown and rest, alone... Btw kasurnya ajib, keras banget hahaha paling besok aku pegel2 *can't imagine when I woke up tomorrow.

Leaving On a Jet Plane

It all set, everybody has came. Then we should go now, well then... Yogyakarta here we came.


Hot, it's really d*mn hot in Jakarta. First time check in at gate 1A, udah kayak wong ndeso. Celingak celinguk ga  jelas, belum lagi Poe yang berasa ga bawa temen. Dengan santainya jalan sendiri ninggalin anak2 dibelakang #tepokjidat.

It's seems like karyawan baru yg akan ditugaskan ke Yogyakarta kesulitan dgn bawaan nya yg berat. So I offered her to change bag. I carry hers and she carry mine, but when I try to lift her bag up "huft... Berat gila hahaha"

Poe cengar-cengir... Sambil bilang, "ikhlasin masGee, udah nawarin jasa jgn ngomel2 dibelakang hihihi"

"Iyee, gw kirain ringan ternyata berat juga ampyun deeh..."

So here we are, stay in waiting room A7. Waiting for delayed plane (1 hour delay) nice shot, thanks Lion Air :-P

Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome To The Jungle

This is their last day on our office, three months has passed by for them to become my apprentice.

In the end of the working time today I have a short speech for them, and I hope they will become a great person someday.

"Well this is it then, you're all now has finished your short training today and here is your certificate" then I gave each them a certificate for a legal document as a proof that they has finished their training.

"remember, I'm not your teacher. I stand here as a friend, partner, and also your supervisor. Therefore please forgive me if you had found uncomfortable behaviour from me. Because this is who I am really are, I'm glad to know you and I am happy to work with you guys and girls"

"I hope someday you're become a great IT enggineer, and last but not least I want to say to you all... Welcome To The Jungle"

Yeah, I always say that because IT division is the most deadly and dangerous area for people who built their career in it. But is not the reason for you to gave up otherwise you must struggle and always motivate your self in order to survive.

Before they leave the office, one of the student gave me a letter.
"oh iya pak, ini ada surat untuk bapak dan semua rekan-rekan disini. Tapi bacanya nanti aja ya hihihi"
"he? How come I must read it after they gone..."
"pokoknya bacanya nanti aja ya pak :)" hmm ada-ada aja memang anak ABG pake surat-suratan segala.
"iya, saya baca nanti setelah kalian pulang deh" walau penasaran akhirnya aku tunda membuka amplop surat tersebut. Singkat kata merekapun berpamitan untuk pulang, aku bersyukur sdh bisa mensupervisi mereka sampai selesai.


After they gone, I opened that letter. I read it, bla... Bla... Bla... Sampe pada sebuah unek-unek yang isinya.
"terima kasih untuk Mr. Gee yang telah meluangkan waktunya buat kita, dan satu lagi cepet-cepet bertaubah ya pak hehehe" with additional smiley icon in it.

"astaga, iseng banget ya tuh mereka." kesel, keki, pokoknya pengen aku jitak-jitakin keempat ABG itu. Masak yg lain kesan pesannya bagus-bagus cuma aku doang yang disuruh tobat.

"apakah aku kelihatan begitu dimata mereka? Hahaha"
Anyway terima kasih sudah jujur dan begitu peka akan keadaan sekitar kalian. Tapi sebelumnya kalo ketemu lagi so pasti akan aku jitakin dulu.

Good luck all...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Still That Syndrome

Two o'clock in the morning, still can't sleep (insomnia syndrome), there's a lot of things that flashing in my mind.

Memikirkan hari ini adalah selesainya masa PKL anak-anak didikku, juga pekerjaan sahabatku yang untuk sementara waktu aku tangani karena dia berhalangan masuk kerja, selain itu juga memikirkan rencana kerja di Yogya (in other words, what am I gonna do in Yogya next monday).

Semua kata "what if" silih berganti menyeruak dalam otakku bak para kaum dhuafa mengantri pembagian sembako (so chaos and brutal). It's gonna be another late to school for my daughter.

Yogya... Again?

Two times, I had a bad day when I went to Yogya. Is it some curse for person like me ? I don't know.

First visit to Yogya (when my office opening branch in Yogya), I having a fight by phone with mySyauQ and makes my trip isn't fun anymore.

The second visit to Yogya, I having a bad day because of myLittleWings behaviour (strange and freakin' nuts).

And I don't want it happen again for the third time. Yes I had task to visit Yogya again (my boss sent me again to the place I feared most).

God, what actually you've planned for my life. I know that I am a nasty boy, but I've already stopped all my insanity. Now I wanna be a good husband, is it necessary for you to tested me one more time so I can prove it to you?

Naturally Pervert

I came over to Poe desk, and discussing about some office task. But it seems like she embarrased then cover her blouse, trully I was confused and I saw Evi which sit near Poe laugh saw my innocent face.
"iih mas Gee... Matanya" seloroh Poe.
"What...?!! Am I done something wrong?!" yes I'm confused. Then I just realized, ternyata tanpa sadar mataku menatap belahan blouse Poe... But for Godsake I didn't mean to starring at her 'things' you know... I just can't see her eyes so I try yo find some netral area.
"Hei... I'm not that pervert Poe" kataku
"ya ampun mas Gee, ternyata..." Evi menimpali sambil cekakak cekikik.
"aarrgh, you're all wrong, ah sudahlah" damn aku jadi salah tingkah. Aku hanya ga bisa menatap mata lawan bicaraku, thats all. Makanya aku cari area yang netral yang enak dilihat (salah gak sih ? Xixixi)
Anak-anak kantor emang pada bocor semua, mancing-mancing mulu huft... But aku senang suasana kantor yang hangat dan penuh persahabatan. I had a strong bond with them, fully fun but still professional. But forgive me if I am naturally pervert (honestly...I didn't meant to. Just to try to resolved my mumet head).