Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sex Appeal

"Bapak, makan apa..." suddenly my wife sent me message from her Gtalk. Wow, sebuah kejutan di siang bolong, aku dapet message dari istriku.
"Tumben nanya makan apa :)" I reply her message (in Indonesian of course), then she reply me
"Iyya... harus lebih perhatian daripada keduluan yang laen... nanya2 makan"
Yeah I knew what she meant with "keduluan" and I'm glad to know that she response to my effort to keep this arc sail away. Having chat with your wife in complicated condition like we going through this time has some different feeling.

Rasanya seperti pacaran lagi, walau kadang dia terlalu menjengkelkan ketika sudah emosi dan mengambil tindakan sendiri tanpa difikir. Mungkin dia juga berfikiran sama terhadapku, I have a strong sex appeal that make someone fall in love with me (cause she already feel it too) and that's make her being possessive. Anyway about sex appeal yang mau protes bayar 50 rebu hihihi.

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